Trauma Management

Have you been at war, even war within yourself? Been in an accident? Are you jumpy? Easily startled? Do you avoid thinking about what happened because it is too heavy? Part of the nature of PTSD is to avoid dealing with it.  Part of the nature of trauma is to minimize it.  We do that so we can move on.

The signs that you are waging a war within yourself might be subtle, too:

  • Irritability or jumpiness
  • Easily angered and volatile towards loved ones
  • Being distant or emotionally flat and uninvolved with others
  • Feeling that you must maintain a level of hyper-alertness
  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering
  • Difficulty sleeping / recurring nightmares
  • Feeling that you do not belong or fit in
  • Increased use of alcohol or drugs
  • Increased use of the Internet, the TV or video games
  • Recurring thoughts of doing harm towards yourself or others

It’s natural, but it’s not always effective.

We don’t want to focus on the ugly moments of the past.

But sometimes, allowing ourselves a short time to address it can release the power it has over us.

Power that many times we don’t see it having.

(Although our loved ones often see it.  Have your loved ones asked you to get help?)

When I say trauma and PTSD, many people say “No, That’s not me.  I didn’t go through anything THAT bad.”  Yet they have the problems and annoyances that follow.

So, let’s break it down and shift it a little.  

Do you have experiences in your past that haunt you when you are reminded of them?  (Sure, you do.  We all do.)

Now do these memories, or reminders of that stressful event (or events) bring up heavy feelings when the reminders surface?

Do you have nightmares about it?

Did that event change the way you view yourself, others, and/or the world?

If these questions, have you wondering, maybe it’s time to explore if your past is derailing your present.

If you do have PTSD, I know it is hard to face it.  But the good news is, being ready and jumping in IS the hardest part.

People can and do recover. 

I love working with PTSD because I love to see people experience such life changing results in such a short time!

I am trained in multiple evidence-based methods to treat and decrease symptoms of trauma and have had the privilege of watching life’s transform.

I am proud and grateful to be one of a small number of therapists in this area who is on the roster for Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD. To be on the roster, I went through training provided by the developer and consultation with a trauma specialist from New York City who I learned so much from.  During that time, I witnessed transformations happen in front of me that I had not thought possible. 

CPT is a short term, evidence-based, intervention for PTSD. Evidence suggests CPT is effective in reducing PTSD symptoms related to traumatic events such as combat, abuse, rape, and natural disasters.

EMDR Therapy is also effective for trauma related issues.